On today's to-do list was "Blog" and a little note basically calling myself out for even putting it on the to-do list.
But currently on my laptop are about 142 folders of completely edited galleries that I don't delete from my laptop until they are blogged. They live on external hard drives and in the cloud, also, for the record. The laptop lets me know "Hey, Vic - this session is done, and you need to show it off."
The very first folder is a session I've blogged already that I can move off of here now, and the second folder was this sweet family. Who met me in Waynesville on a foggy morning even though the forecast was calling for rain and it was so cold I considered wearing gloves. If Amanda books a session - it's going to rain. That's just how the last seven or eight years have gone. If ever we have a drought, I've told her to book a session.
We've done so many family sessions that every year picking a color scheme gets harder and harder for her. This pretty green and black scheme may be one of my favorites.

I love getting "The Bigs" to tickle "The Little" every time these kids come out for pictures with me. You can tell they love their littlest brother and that he looks up to all three of them.

He loves his mama, for sure.

The most aggressive cheek kisses every took place during this family session.

One of my favorite things to do is include the "personality" pictures in the gallery for my clients - they are often my favorite. Even more so than the ones with direct eye contact and perfect smiles.

I mean, c'mon.

During portrait sessions I try to get every combination of the family possible. For this session we did sibling combos, all of the siblings together, mom with each kiddo, mom with all of the kiddos, some silly pictures (like the little running to the big kids and them ticking him), and individual portraits of each kid. At the end of each session, I always ask, "Did everyone get a picture with everyone they wanted one with?" For big family sessions there is usually a cousin who requests a photo with their favorite cousin (IYKYK). & I'm always happy to oblige.

Amanda, can't wait to see your sweet family again <3